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40 Ginger Burpee Miles - a 40 day challenge for Pregnancy Sickness Support

Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy (NVP) affects 94% of pregnancies ranging from mild to severe, and in 3% of people to hyperemesis gravidarum, a debilitating and very serious form of sickness.

In both my pregnancies I suffered. Severe pregnancy sickness robs you of so much, it’s truly takes your life away. Everything stops for a while, work, socialising, the ability to eat or drink and the joy pregnancy can bring. The impact is not only felt by the person suffering, but also those around them.

Not just 'morning sickness'

Pregnancy sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum are also commonly misunderstood and brushed aside as ‘just a bit of morning sickness’. It's not often something that is discussed with the seriousness required, and despite many people suffering it almost feels like a badge of honour, something to suffer through, because it'll be worth it in the end. But, this is outdated - we have the ability to care and support those and we need to get better at doing so.

So, for the next 40 days I’m taking part in the Pregnancy Sickness Support 40 Day Challenge. I had to come up with something to do for 40 days straight and of course, I asked my Instagram Community what that should be. Thanks to all the suggestions I’ll be:

- Eating a ginger biscuit – Why? The number of times people asked ‘have you tried ginger biscuits, ginger tea, crystalised ginger?’ drove me crazy! I was taking medication to stop my sickness, clearly ginger was not cutting it. So, eating a dreaded ginger biscuit is where I’ll begin.

- Racking up some burpees – from 1 to 40. Why? During my pregnancy exercise was something that got left behind. Before my first pregnancy I was fit and active – so this is a nod to something hyperemesis took away from me.

- Riding/Walking a mile each day – Why? The last fitness challenge I took part in pre-pregnancies was the London to Brighton bike ride – it was awesome, I only just made it (I was a 4/5 weeks pregnant). And, I’ve not been back on my bike much since – so it’s a way to get over whatever has been stopping me, reclaim that part of my life again.

Need Support for Pregnancy Sickness?

If you or a loved one are currently suffering with pregnancy sickness, please know you are not alone. It affects to many people. Check out the Pregnancy Sickness Support website for resources and chat to one of their brilliant, knowledgeable volunteers. And, speak to your GP or midwife for immediate care.

Join me on my 40 day challenge on my Instagram and Facebook pages to see how I'm getting on. And, if you'd like to offer some encouragement by way of a donation, you can do so via my fundraising page here.

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